Doctor preschool lesson plans, including arts and crafts, games, math, science, group time activities, songs, and snack ideas.
Arts and Crafts
Head Reflector Art
Have the children cut out two strips of paper that when connected will fit around their head. Connect the strips with glue or tape, (staples will catch the child’s hair). Supply each child with a circle-shaped piece of tag board and a piece of tin foil. Have the child wrap the tin foil around the tag board. Staple the tag board to the headband. On mine I wrote “Dr. Suzy” and “Doctor Max” or whatever they wanted to be.
Healthy Food Collage
Supply the children with magazines with pictures of food. Have the children cut out healthy foods and glue the pictures on a piece of paper.
Junk Food Collage
Supply the children with magazines with pictures of food. Have the children cut out junk foods and glue the pictures on a piece of paper.
Band-Aid Art
Let the children place band-aids on a piece of paper for an art project.
X-Ray Art
Dip yarn into white paint and drag across black paper.
Supply each child with a piece of white paper and different colored non-toxic stamp pads. Show the child how to make fingerprints on paper, using only one finger at a time.
Life-Size Me
Have the child lay on a piece of butcher paper and trace them. Have the child color the paper, then cut it out.
Life-Size Me II
Have the children make crazy poses on black butcher paper. Trace them, then have the children cut them out. Finally hang them around the room for some fun shadows. Do the parents know which one is their child?
Painting Fun
Have the children paint with their toes.
Games, Math, and Science
Listen to My Heart
Provide the children with tp tubes. They can place the tube upon their chest while a friend listens to their heart.
Dramatic Play
Set up toy materials for a doctor’s office. A stethoscope, thermometer, eye chart, white jacket, charts, etc.
Eye Chart
If possible obtain an eye chart. Have the children read the chart from a distance.
Height Graph
Measure and record each child’s height and graph the results.
Hair Color Chart
Have the children raise their hands if they have brown hair. Count and record the number of children that have brown hair. Repeat for red, blonde and black. Graph the results. Ask the children “what color hair do most of the children in our class have?”
Eye Color Chart
Have the children raise their hands if they have brown eyes. Count and record the number of children that have brown eyes. Repeat for blue, green and hazel. Graph the results. Ask the children “what color eyes do most of the children in our class have?”
Where’s Your…?
Ask the children “Where’s your ____?” Fill in the blank according to their age.
Here are some examples:
head, eyes, nose, foot (easy)
fingers, ankles, knees, neck, forehead (medium)
knuckles, wrist, thigh, forearm, palm, spine (hard)
Listen to Your Heartbeat
Allow the children to listen to their heartbeat with a stethoscope. The toy ones work, but some of your parents may have access to a real one.
Doctor, May I?
Played just like Mother May I? The child and parent stand at opposite sides of a room. The child asks if he/she may: take so may step forward. i.e. “Mother may I Please take 3 baby steps forward?” the answer would be either, “Yes you may”, or “No you may not.” The child wins when they reach you. Encourage the use of descriptive words, such as little, big, huge, tiny, and giant. You can also play this with a group of children. The winner would be the one who reaches you first.
Any kind of physical activity keeps you healthy. Have the children take turns prescribing physical activities to the rest of the class.
Body Part Cube
You can make a cube from a cardboard box. Place Velcro on each side. Then write the names of six body parts (hand, foot, head, belly, leg, neck, back, chin, nose, toes, elbow.. etc), laminate them, then add Velcro. Place six parts on the cube. Have the children roll the cube and touch whatever part comes up on the cube.
Healthy Bones
To add a little fun to milk, add a drop or two of food coloring to a glass of milk to create colored milk.