The Letter “F”
Related Lesson Plans
Froggy Fun
Fish/Under the Sea
Fourth of July
Five Senses
Words and Concepts that Start with “F”
- fable
- fabric
- face
- fact
- fade
- Fahrenheit
- faint
- fair
- fair (carnival)
- fairy
- fairy tale
- faith
- fake
- falcon
- Fall
- fallow deer
- false
- family
- famine
- famous
- fan
- fancy
- fang
- fantasy
- far
- fare
- farewell
- farm
- fast
- father
- father
- Father’s Day
- favor
- favorite
- fawn
- fax
- fear
- feast
- feather
- February
- fedora
- feed
- feelings
- feelings
- feet
- fellow
- felt
- femur
- fence
- fennec fox
- fern
- ferret
- festival
- festoon
- feta
- fetch
- few
- fez
- fiction
- fiddle
- fiddler crab
- field
- field day
- field goal
- field trip
- fiesta
- fifteen
- fifth
- fig
- fight
- figure
- figure skating
- fill
- fillet
- film
- fin
- finale
- finback whale
- finch
- fine art
- finger painting
- finger sandwiches
- fingerprint
- fingers
- finish
- Finland
- fir
- fire
- fire ant
- fire drill
- fire fighter
- fire safety
- firefly
- fireworks
- firm
- first
- first aid
- fish hawk
- fisher
- fit
- five
- five
- fix
- fizz
- flag
- flake
- flame
- flamingo
- flap
- flashlight
- flat
- flat
- flatware
- flatworm
- flavor
- flea
- flexible
- flier
- flight
- flip
- flipper
- float
- flood
- floor
- flop
- Florida
- floss
- flounder
- flour
- flour beetle
- flower
- flu
- fluff
- fluffy
- fluid
- flush
- flute
- fly
- fly
- flying fish
- flying fox
- flying squirrel
- foal
- foam
- foe
- fog
- foil
- fold
- foliage
- folklore
- folksong
- folktale
- follow
- fondue
- food
- food chain
- food pyramid
- food web
- fool’s gold
- foot
- football
- footprint
- force
- forearm
- forecast
- foreign
- forest
- forget
- forgive
- fork
- formal
- formula
- fort
- forth
- fortress
- forward
- found
- fountain
- four square
- Fourth of July
- fowl
- fox
- fox terrier
- foxglove
- foxhound
- fraction
- fragile
- frame
- France
- frankfurter
- frankincense
- free
- freeway
- freeze
- freezing point
- freight
- French cut beans
- French dressing
- French fries
- French horn
- French toast
- fresco
- friction
- Friday
- frijole
- frill
- frisbee
- fritter
- frizzy
- frock
- from
- From Head to Toe
- front
- frost
- frosting
- frown
- fruit
- fruit cake
- fruit fly
- fuchsia
- fudge
- fuel
- fugue
- fulcrum
- full
- full moon
- fumble
- fun
- fungus
- funnel
- funny
- fur
- fur seal
- furniture
- fuss
- fuzzy